GrowthX- Business Coaching -->

Get ready to enjoy your Business

You can enjoy being an entrepreneur, How?

Entrepreneurship is best explained by a scenario in which you live a part of your life like most people won't, so that you can spend the rest of your lives like most people can't. Hard work definitely ensures a job for you but ever wondered how it would be to create a business that works with minimal manual intervention, almost in an auto-pilot mode?
The above scenario is actually possible by following the pathway of Action Coach's world renowned concept called 6 Steps To Massive Results. Let us deep dive into the various steps which will ensure that your business runs profitably without your day to day intervention.

1. Mastery: acquiring control on targets, timelines, working capital, deliverables and outcome This step simply allows you to steer your business out of the clutter and chaos which results from lack of planning to a more systematic version. This focuses on allowing you to have a better control on your timelines, targets and resources by segregating the actionabls by way of their urgency and/or importance. Accordingly the pattern for these various permutations-combinations may appear like

a. waste of time
b. needs urgent attention
c. cannot be delayed
d. long term strategies that are directly proportional to the success metric of your business
Careful analysis of the above factors ultimately pave the way for your business goals to be aligned to your personal goals such that you derive the ideal sync in your life.

2. Niche Marketing: allowing steady cash flow by gaining expertise in this segment It is a common scenario wherein to remain ahead in the competition often businesses offer rampant discounts in their products and services. What if there was a way out to eliminate this deadly option and at the same time keep the bottom line intact? Well the answer lies in carefully analysing and marketing the Unique points in your business turning them to your advantage and creating a protective shield for incoming cash flow. The trick of the trade lies in creating that edge in positioning your business in the market.

3. Leverage: making the most of the processes This step effectively deals in creating a business ecosystem which is highly efficient. Efficiency comes with set systems and processes that are put to practice to run the business in a decentralised manner. This eliminates the dependency on a particular set of people to run the show and instead makes the business operations run by way of processes and SOPs.

4. Team: put the right human capital in place Having a business plan and creating processes to run it is not enough to drive the cart. Unless the right kind of skills are identified to take the game forward, all plans and processes make no sense. Managing the human capital is one of the toughest themes in any business and yet extremely crucial to build a business. It is therefore safe to say that business growth is directly proportional to the placement of the "right" resources at the "right" spot and at the "right" juncture.

5. Synergy: creating the sync for running the business This step is particularly crucial for businesses which are tasting an early growth spurt. After having gained a bit of momentum, often businesses tend to get ambitious and rush into replicating the systems and practices hoping that it will bring them the same kind of results as before. This is a dangerous scenario if done in the absence of processes or with the mis-fit set of resources, ultimately leading to a downfall in the business. Getting the synergy right is almost your doorway to creating a success story out of your business which enables you to enjoy business not as an employee but as an entrepreneur!

6. Massive Results: gaining the desired results in line with the objectives The culmination of the above 5 steps pitch you good enough to take your business to the next level by creating the avenue for multiplying your profitability and expanding the horizon, for eg. new product development or acquisitions.

It's time to take control of your business and achieve the results in such a way that you no longer have to fret about sustainability or uncertainty in the wake of market scenarios or competition. Sit back and enjoy your life while your business continues to be on auto-pilot mode!

Note : Action Coach's approach allows you to analyze

1. the current position of your business
2. the stage at which you are qualified to compete with your contemporaries in the market
3. the process of ensuring a steady cash flow
4. scaling profitability
5. the USPs of business
6. tangible results and success curve

GrowthX- Business Coaching